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viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

Smells Like Childrens (Audio)

1995/06/22 John Steward Show

Track List:
01. Lunchbox
02. Dope Hat (Cut)

1995/10/06 Seattle, WA - RCKNDY

Track List:
01. Wrapped in Plastic
02. Snake Eyes and Sissies
03. Get Your Gun
04. Dogma
05. Cyclops
06. Cake and Sodomy
07. Down in the Park
08. Dope Hat
09. My Monkey
10. Smells Like Children
11. Organ Grinder
12. Lunchbox
13. Sweet Dreams
14. Misery Machine

1995/11/06 Asbury Park, NJ - The Stone Pony

Track List:
01. Wrapped in Plastic
02. Snake Eyes and Sissies
03. Get Your Gunn
04. Dogma
05. Cyclops
06. Cake and Sodomy
07. Down in the Park
08. Dope Hat
09. My Monkey
10. Irresponsible Hate Anthem
11. Organ Grinder
12. Lunchbox
13. Sweet Dreams
14. Misery Machine

1995/11/10 Norfolk, VA - The Boathouse

Track List:
01. Get Your Gunn
02. Dogma
03. Cyclops
04. Cake And Sodomy
05. Down In The Park
06. Dope Hat
07. Strawberry Fields Forever (Beatles Cover) - My Monkey
08. Irresponsible Hate Anthem
09. Organ Grinder
10. Lunchbox

1995/11/19 Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue

Track List:
01. Snake Eyes And Sissies
02. Get your Gunn
03. Dogma
04. Cyclops
05. Cake And Sodomy
06. Down In The Park
07. Dope Hat
08. Strawberry Fields Forever - My Monkey
09. Irresponsible Hate Anthem

1995/12/31 New York, NY - The Academy

Track List:
01. Get Your Gunn
02. Organ Grinder
03. Snake Eyes and Sissies
04. Dogma
05. Cake and Sodomy
06. Down in the Park
07. Dope Hat
08. My Monkey
09. Irresponsible Hate Anthem
10. Cyclops
11. Lunchbox
12. Rock 'n'Roll Nigger
13. Sweet Dreams
14. Misery Machine

1996/01/02 Oldbridge, NJ - Birch Hill Nightclub

Track List:
01. intro: Hands Of Small Children
02. Get Your Gunn
03. Organ Grinder
04. Snake Eyes And Sissies
05. Dogma
06. Cake And Sodomy
07. Down In The Park
08. Dope Hat
09. My Monkey
10. Irresponsible Hate Anthem
11. Lunchbox
12. Sweet Dreams
13. Misery Machine

1996/02/03 St. Petersburg, FL - Janus Landing

Track List:
01. Hands Of Small Children
02. Get Your Gunn
03. Organ Grinder
04. Snake Eyes And Sissies
05. Dogma
06. Cake And Sodomy
07. Minute Of Decay
08. Down In The park
09. Dope Hat
10. Dirt
11. My Monkey
12. Irresposible Hate Anthem
13. Lunchbox
14. Sweet Dreams
15. Misery Machine
16. Rock 'n' Roll Nigger

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